<snip> Looking for a group in which to post binaries for electronic book readers. Hopefully, the subject line says it all.
PH:>>>Go away. Post here and you will be reported to the police.
DS:> First, one has to commit a crime to be reported,
PH:>For some crimes, the attempt is also a crime.
DS> books in the public domain do not infringe upon copyright. So perhaps
Post by Phillip Helbig (undress to reply)Post by d***@gmail.comyou should go away and crawl back under your rock, OR offer something
positive to the discussion?
PH:> For books in the public domain, there are more than enough sources
Wow. You've been such a *TREMENDOUS* help today! Hope you sleep well in your black sackcloth / coal lined sleeping bag.
I've had a wonderful day dealing with an Amazon Fire 10, a Samsung tablet, and the Samsung is FAR friendlier / fewer restrictions. The Libby Library app downloaded *and installed* ACCIDENTALLY on the Samsung, while the Amazon Fire *refuses* to allow ANY software that doesn't come from the Amazon App store, *forcing* me to use the "Overdrive" app.
Meanwhile, as a newbie to this e-book environment, I may throw out an occasional question or two. Apparently, Adobe PDF is still in use as a means of e-book distribution! (*That* was mildly surprising!)