The last posting was 'perhaps' a little bit too brief.
The site <> is designed to work
with the Explorer, other types of browser won't be able to access
various parts of it.
The VBook library <> itself is
actually a VBook, you can only download the VBooks if you are viewing
it with the Explorer.
To download the VBooks you need to click on the book title with the
<CTRL> key held down.
Probably seem to be a strange way of doing things, the library itself
is also a demo of VBooks ability to switch to other VBooks. So, not
using the <CRTL> key is to switch VBook as opposed to download VBook.
Two files needs to be downloaded, I could have put them both in the
same zip archive but the library won't be able to switch to it. I
would need to store two copies of the VBook, my web space is very
sadly limited, an economical consideration.
Free EBooks for download
The VBook library currently includes:
Alexandre Dumas Pere - The Black Tulip
Alexandre Dumas Pere - The Count Of Monte Cristo
Alexandre Dumas Pere - The Three Musketeers
Bram Stoker - Dracula
Bram Stoker - The Jewel Of Seven Stars
Bram Stoker - The Lady Of The Shroud
Bram Stoker - The Lair Of The White Worm
Bram Stoker - The Man
Arthur Conan Doyle - Sherlock Holmes Complete
Arthur Conan Doyle - The Great Boer War
Arthur Conan Doyle - The Lost World
Arthur Conan Doyle - The Parasite
Arthur Conan Doyle - Through The Magic Door
Charles Dickens - A Child's History Of England
Charles Dickens - A Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens - A Tale Of Two Cities
Charles Dickens - American Notes
Charles Dickens - Barnaby Rudge
Charles Dickens - Bleak House
Charles Dickens - David Copperfield
Charles Dickens - Dombey And Son
Charles Dickens - Essays From Household Words
Charles Dickens - Great Expectations
Charles Dickens - Hard Times
Charles Dickens - Little Dorrit
Charles Dickens - Master Humphrey's Clock
Charles Dickens - Nicholas Nickleby
Charles Dickens - No Thoroughfare
Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist
Charles Dickens - Our Mutual Friend
Charles Dickens - Pictures From Italy
Charles Dickens - Short Stories Archive
Charles Dickens - Sketches By Boz
Charles Dickens - Speeches, Literary & Social
Charles Dickens - The Life And Adventures Of Martin Chuzzlewit
Charles Dickens - The Mystery Of Edwin Drood
Charles Dickens - The Old Curiosity Shop
Charles Dickens - The Pickwick Papers
Charles Dickens - The Uncommercial Traveller
D H Lawrence - Aaron's Rod
D H Lawrence - Kangaroo
D H Lawrence - Lady Chatterley's Lover
D H Lawrence - Sons And Lovers
D H Lawrence - The Captain's Doll
D H Lawrence - The Fox
D H Lawrence - The Ladybird
D H Lawrence - The Plumed Serpent
D H Lawrence - The Rainbow
D H Lawrence - Touch And Go
D H Lawrence - Woman In Love
Daniel Defoe - Robinson Crusoe
George Bernard Shaw - In Good King Charles's Golden Days
George Bernard Shaw - Pygmalion
George Orwell - A Clergyman's Daughter
George Orwell - Animal Farm
George Orwell - Burmese Days
George Orwell - Coming Up For Air
George Orwell - Down And Out In Paris And London
George Orwell - Homage To Catalonia
George Orwell - Keep The Aspidistra Flying
George Orwell - Nineteen Eighty Four
H G Wells - A Modern Utopia
H G Wells - Ann Veronica
H G Wells - First And Last Things
H G Wells - Floor Games
H G Wells - God The Invisible King
H G Wells - In The Days Of The Comet
H G Wells - Little Wars
H G Wells - Mankind In The Making
H G Wells - Men Like Gods
H G Wells - Secret Places Of The Heart
H G Wells - Soul Of A Bishop
H G Wells - The Door In The Wall, And Other Stories
H G Wells - The First Man On The Moon
H G Wells - The History Of Mr Polly
H G Wells - The Invisible Man
H G Wells - The Island Of Doctor Moreau
H G Wells - The Man Who Could Work Miracles
H G Wells - The New Machiavelli
H G Wells - The Research Magnificent
H G Wells - The Time Machine
H G Wells - The War In The Air
H G Wells - The War Of The Worlds
H G Wells - The World Set Free
H G Wells - Tono Bungay
H G Wells - Twelve Stories And A Dream
H G Wells - War And The Future
H G Wells - Wheels Of Chance, A Bicycling Idyll
H G Wells - When The Sleeper Wakes
Herman Melville - Moby Dick
Herman Melville - Typee
Homer - Iliad
Homer - Odyssey
James Joyce - A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man
James Joyce - Dubliners
James Joyce - Ullysses
Jane Austen - Emma
Jane Austen - Lady Susan
Jane Austen - Mansfield Park
Jane Austen - Northanger Abbey
Jane Austen - Persuasion
Jane Austen - Pride And Prejudice
Jane Austen - Sense And Sensibility
Jules Verne - Around The World In 80 Days
Jules Verne - Eight Hundred Leagues On The Amazon
Jules Verne - Five Weeks In A Balloon
Jules Verne - From Earth To The Moon
Jules Verne - In Search Of The Castaways
Jules Verne - Journey To The Interior Of The Earth
Jules Verne - Michael Strogoff
Jules Verne - Off On A Comet
Jules Verne - Robur The Conqueror
Jules Verne - Round The Moon
Jules Verne - The Master Of The World
Jules Verne - The Mysterious Island
Jules Verne - The Survivors Of The Chancellor
Jules Verne - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea
Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina
Leo Tolstoy - Ivan The Fool
Leo Tolstoy - Resurrection
Leo Tolstoy - The Cossacks
Leo Tolstoy - War And Peace
Mary Shelly - Frankenstein
Maurice LeBlanc - Arsene Lupin
Maurice LeBlanc - The Crystal Stopper
Maurice LeBlanc - The Extrodinary Adventures Of Arsene Lupin
Maurice LeBlanc - The Hollow Needle
Robert Louis Stevenson - Catriona
Robert Louis Stevenson - Fables
Robert Louis Stevenson - Kidnapped
Robert Louis Stevenson - New Arabian Nights
Robert Louis Stevenson - Prince Otto
Robert Louis Stevenson - St Ives
Robert Louis Stevenson - The Black Arrow
Robert Louis Stevenson - The Dynamiter
Robert Louis Stevenson - The Master Of Ballantrae
Robert Louis Stevenson - The Merry Men And Other Tales And Fables
Robert Louis Stevenson - The Misadventures Of John Nicholson
Robert Louis Stevenson - The Story Of A Lie
Robert Louis Stevenson - The Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson - The Wrong Box
Robert Louis Stevenson - Treasure Island
Robert Louis Stevenson - Weir Of Hermiston
Virginia Woolf - A Haunted House And Other Stories
Virginia Woolf - A Room Of One's Own
Virginia Woolf - Jocob's Room
Virginia Woolf - Monday To Tuesday
Virginia Woolf - Mrs Dalloway
Virginia Woolf - Night And Day
Virginia Woolf - Orlando
Virginia Woolf - The Death Of The Mouth And Other Essays
Virginia Woolf - The Voyage Out
Virginia Woolf - The Waves
Virginia Woolf - Three Guineas
Virginia Woolf - To The Lighthouse
Vladimir Nabokov - Lolita
Walter Scott - Ivanhoe
Walter Scott - Rob Roy
Unknown - Beowulf
Ignore the old site
They don't do much for now