2004-09-22 20:32:21 UTC
I found the Dark Tower 7 the other day, it's actually the Advanced
Reader's Copy, roughly scanned. I currently have it in .pdf, .rtf,
and .txt versions, if anyone is interested. I can put it in .lit
format if anyone wishes, also.
To reach me: ***
I also have other ebooks to share, just haven't had a chance to put my
list together yet :D Eventually...*sighs* It's gonna take a long time
to do...
Reader's Copy, roughly scanned. I currently have it in .pdf, .rtf,
and .txt versions, if anyone is interested. I can put it in .lit
format if anyone wishes, also.
To reach me: ***
I also have other ebooks to share, just haven't had a chance to put my
list together yet :D Eventually...*sighs* It's gonna take a long time
to do...